원래는 var만 썼는데,
2015년 ES6 이후로
let과 const도 쓸 수 있게 되었다.
let does not let you declare a variable twice.
var은 괜찮은데
let은 에러가 뜬다.
let을 지우면 에러가 없어진다.
"use strict"
- enables strict mode
which catches common coding mistakes
and unsafe actions
at the top of a full JavaScript file
or maybe just in a function
another major difference
between the var and let keywords
is that when you declare a variable with var,
it is declared globally
or locally if declared inside a function.
however the scope of let
is limited to the block statement or expression
that it was declared in.
var - global
- 함수 안에서 선언되면 local
let - 그것이 선언된 block statement 또는 expression 안에서만
i를 var로 했을 때와 let으로 했을 때의 결과 차이
Even though we set i
inside this block
to "block scope"
(a block is just anything inside these squiggly braces here)
but then when we get out here
it's now back to "function scope"
because of this (처음에 선언한 i)
첫번째 let 선언을 주석처리하고 실행시켰을 경우,
we set the var
inside this block here
to "block scope"
결과: block scope is block scope
but then when we're outside of the block
when we're outside of these squiggly braces here
we can still access i here
결과: "block scope"
var를 let으로 바꾸면:
when we get outside the block
we get an error because it's not defined
so that's another reason
why people use let instead of var
is so that they can make sure
the variable is only defined
in the area they want to be defined in.
Const has all the features of let
but it's also read-only.
you cannot reassign a Const.
if we run that it should work
it prints "free code camp is amazing" many time
const로 바꾸니 에러가 뜸
const는 대문자로 쓰는 것이 일반적이다.
i를 var 대신 let으로 바꿨다.
let을 쓰는게 좋으니까.
const로 declare된 변수를 reassign할 수 없지만,
array는 mutate할 수 있다.
이렇게 하면 에러가 뜬다.
하지만 bracket notation을 이용해서 update할 수 있다.
const만으로는 data를 mutation으로부터 보호할 수 없다.
- object나 array의 경우.
→ object.freeze로 가능
PI = 99로 바뀌었다.
PI가 바뀌지 않는다.
익명의 함수이다.
익명의 함수는 arrow 함수로 변환할 수 있다.
→ 좀 더 빨리 쓸(write) 수 있다.
심지어 한 줄로 쓸 수도 있다.
var를 const로 바꾸는 것이 좋다.
var를 const로 바꾸는 것이 좋다.var를 const로 바꾸는 것이 좋다.
high order functions - map filter, reduce 등
이런 함수들은 함수들을 argument(인자)로 취한다.
어떤 함수가 다른 함수를 인자로 취할 때는
arrow 함수를 쓰기 좋은 타이밍이다.
we want to compute
the square of
only the positive integers in the array
and we want to filter out
everything that's not a positive integer
so I'm going to use
the filter and map functions to do that
but the main thing I want you to look at
is the arrow functions that I'm passing in to filter a map
Before I showed you
that you pass in arguments 'in parentheses'
for an arrow function
but if you only have a single argument like this (the number argument)
you don't need parentheses around the argument
you can just put the argument
and then the arrow
so this is the beginning of the arrow function
and then we'll see what's returned from the arrow function
first we want to filter this array
so we only have numbers
that are integers and numbers
that are more than 0
so we'll do number that is integer
and then we will pass in the number
and number is more than 0.
so let me complete the parentheses here
now the result of this filter command
will be an array
with all the numbers that are more than 0
(4, 42, 6)
after we get that new array
we want to get the square of
each number in that array
so that's where we're going to use
the map function
now the map function
takes a function as an argument
but instead of writing a full function out
we can use an arrow function
so we're going to pass in x to the function
and there's gonna be an arrow function
now x just means every element from the array
that's being passed to it.
so remember the map is getting the array [4, 46, 6]
x means for every element in the array
this is what we're gonna do to it
x * x because it's gonna be squared
again the main point of this lesson
is not to understand the filter and map functions
but to see that we can put an arrow function
we can pass in an arrow function
and it makes it
so we can fit everything really succinctly
on one line
so let's reload this and see if it works
now we have [16, 1764, 36]
↑ 제목이 ↓이건데 잘못 나옴
Set Default Parameters for Your Functions
in order to create more flexible functions
you can use default parameters
the default parameter kicks in
when the argument is not specified or is undefined
인자를 두 개 넣으면 앞의 숫자가 뒤의 숫자만큼씩 커지고,
인자를 하나만 넣으면 앞의 숫자가 1씩 커지는 것을 디폴트로 하고 싶다.
the rest operator allows you to create
a function that takes a variable number of arguments
the rest operator is 3 dots
so we have this function here
and it's taking three arguments (x, y, z)
and it's summing them
so at first it's converting these (x, y, z)
into an array called args
and then it's reducing them
so it's summing them all up here
and then returning the result
so right now
if we just run this it's going to log 6
because 1+2+3=6
... = Rest operator
it will convert everything that's passed in into one array
and the array is called args
so now we don't need 3행 anymore
and it should work the same
we can also now add any number of numbers
it's going to add those numbers together
so before we can only pass in three arguments
and now we can have any number of arguments
spread operator도 ...이다.
it expands an already existing array
or it spreads out an array
so it takes an array
and spreads out into its individual parts
the spread operator can spread arr1
into the individual months
instead of the actual array here
you can only use it
in an argument to a function
or in an array of literal
we're setting arr2 to equal arr1
in this example,
we're not actually copying it
because if we set the index 0 of the arr1 to potato
arr2’s index 0 becomes potato
because these are equal.
arr2 and arr1 are the same.
but what if we want arr2 to be a copy of arr1?
we can use the spread operator
it will spread out the contents of arr1
into this new array(arr2)
so we're not making arr2 to equal arr1
we are making array to equal
all of the contents of arr1
so they'll be different
so if we run this again
you'll see that it says January for the first element
instead of potato
1행과 같은 객체가 있을 때,
if we want to take each individual element in this object
and assign it to its own variable
this is the old way of doing it
3~5행과 같이 해야 한다.
with destructuring,
there's a simpler and quicker way
to assign variables for each element in an object
you can read it like this:
get the field of x from the object
copy into the value a
get the field of y from the object
copy into the value b
get the field of z from the object
copy it into the value c
so this is just a quicker way of assigning things
from an object into variables
now we're going to use destructuring
to obtain the average temperature for tomorrow
from the object average temperatures.
이렇게 바꾸면 된다.
we're assigning the variables z, x
to the first two numbers of the array 1, 2
the difference between
destructuring from arrays
and destructuring from objects
is that you cannot specify
which element from the array
to go into a variable
it just goes in order
however if we wanted number 4
to be going to a variable
we could just do like this:
we would just add some commas with nothing in it
two commas in a row and
I'll put a Y here
so now we have
the first element the second element
e skip the third element
and then we have the fourth element
here's another thing you can do:
you can use destructuring of arrays
to switch the places of variables
what I'm going to do is
use destructuring
to switch the places of a and B
[a, b] = [b, a]
so now it's just taking this
and switching the places
so instead a=8, b=6,
it's now gonna be
a=6, b=8.
we want to return the array
with the first two elements removed
so let's use the rest operator inside an array
and to remove the first two,
I just have to put two commas here
with nothing in
so it's saying
do nothing for the first element
do nothing for the second element
everything else put into the arr variable
※ 이렇게 해서 a=1, b=2로 할 수도 있지만 굳이.
we have this half function
and it's getting the stats argument
so the stats is being passed
when it's called down here
and it's passing in this whole object
= this whole stats object
but you can see within this function
we're only using stats.Max and stats.Min
so instead of passing the entire stats into this function
we can just pass in what we need
this is commonly used
with API calls
when you are getting information
from an ajax request or an api request
it will often have a lot more information
than what you need
and you can use destructuring
to get it down to what we actually want to work with
template literals
: a special type of string
that makes creating complex strings easier
you make them with backtick
advantages of using template literals (back ticks)
instead of quotation marks
1) you can make multi-line strings
2) you can add quote single or double quotation marks
right in the string
and you don't have to escape them
3) you can put variables right in the string
so if we see the dollar sign and curly braces,
anything in between these curly braces that start with the dollar sign
is JavaScript
코딩 챌린지
we have this makeList function
and we want it to create a list
based on the array that's passed in
so when we call makeList
we pass in result.failure
result.failure은 17행에 있다.
우리가 원하는 array 결과는 ↓다음과 같다.
each element in the array
is a template literal
that has some HTML in it
and then it also has
no-var, var-on-top and linebreak
that comes right from this array(failure) that's passed in
so let's use template literal
to create that
so instead of setting this to equal null (21행)
I'm going to start this off to be an empty array
now there's many ways to do this
but I'm gonna use the classic for loop
inside this for loop
will do resultDisplayArray.push
and then here is
where I'm going to use the template literal
put a back kick and
I'll put this HTML code here
li class equals text warning
and now this next part is going to be a variable
because it changes for each array element here
so I'm gonna do dollar sign and then the curly braces
중복의 발생
if you know that you want to create an object
with where the key is the name of the variable
and the value is the value of the variable
there's an easier way to do it
an object can contain a function
the class syntax replaces the constructor function creation
with a class object
you often want to obtain values from the object and
set a value of a property within an object
these are often called getters and setters
나머지 내용은 여기에 있다. ↓
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